Villa Phuket

Luxury Villa Phuket

Living Areas

The lounge has sea views and overlooks the swimming pool, the terrace and Kata Beach. In the lounge you'll find comfortable sofas, TV, Audio, WiFi, reading books, etc and the indoor dining area. At the other end of the lounge, is the guest kitchen (staff have their own professional kitchen near the reception area).
The lounge has sea views and overlooks the swimming pool, the terrace and Kata Beach. In the lounge you'll find comfortable sofas, TV, Audio, WiFi, reading books, etc and the indoor dining area. At the other end of the lounge, is the guest kitchen (staff have their own professional kitchen near the reception area).
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Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Panoramic Lounge

Views of the Koh Pu and the Andman.

Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Lounge Views

Sun terrace view from the lounge.

Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Spacious Lounge

A very comfortable place to be.

Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Dining Table

Sun-protected for comfortable outdoor meals.

Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Dining With A View

Great food. Great views. Fresh air.

Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Evening Dinner

Enjoy a great family evening meal together.

Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Seafood & BBQ

Choose your foods, fresh from the local markets.

Baan Kata Keeree - Villa Phuket

Guest Kitchen

Staff have their kitchen, and you have one too.

There's more to see...

There's more to see...

There are some great shots of our villa in the Gallery, whilst our Video page takes you on a complete walk-around.
There are some great shots of our villa in the Gallery, whilst our Video page takes you on a complete walk-around.
Gallery Video Video
Bedrooms Swimming Pool

Random Guest Review

Random Guest Review




August 2018